Peter Bjerring
Peter enters as Partner in Brinch & Partners with a profound experience in Search & Selection covering positions in the entire value chain in several industries at senior specialist, manager and executive level.
Besides his vast experience with Executive Search & Selection from another company in the industry, Peter has more than 20-year experience as manager and director in Danish and international corporations, e.g. LEGO og Arla Foods.
As Managing Director Peter was expatriated for 8 years in total in South America and the UK. Besides Danish as his mother tongue, he speaks English and Spanish fluently. He holds a Ms.Sc. Business Economics from the University of Aarhus and has attended the IMP, a strategic management program for selected candidates from leading Danish companies.
His Search & Selection experience is obtained in the following industries:
- Construction (owner/builder, construction company, consultancy (engineering, architecture) and contractors
- IT (software and hardware)
- Energy & Climate
- Water & Environment
- Proces industry
- Management Consultancy
- Food
- Car equipment and accessories
- Financial Services
- Metal industry
For positions in the following organizational functions:
- Finance & Administration
- R&D/Engineering
- Consultancy & Operations (engineers, architects, constructors and contractors)
- General management/country management
- Supply Chain Management/Logistics
- Project Management
- Change Management/Continuos Improvement Management
- IT ((consultants, developers, Data Science/Data Engineering, IoT, Big Data)
- Sales, marketing & service